I always mention that I am satisfied with what I have, friends and family that it was unneccessary to add someone else in my life. I do date but it never really got me interested and judging from the rate of my depleting interest in them, it always makes me feel that I could have been doing more enjoyable things and having more fun with my co. Until this guy came around and things got pretty interesting. He was unusually entertaining and always managed to catch my attention. At a point of time, when me is being me, I felt suffocated being tied down by someone and I did all kind of mean ways just to drop the hint that I'm totally not into r/s and you. But when you pushes someone away and he just keep coming back for more, that shows how important you are to someone. Just one incident makes me feel super guilty towards him but why should I? Later did I know, I didn't want to lose someone like this. From the start, my guts feeling tell me not to give up so I decided to try it out and I am thankful for that. Everybody asked me why the sudden change, what do I see in this dude? I don't know, I just saw what you guys couldn't see and I fell in love, first time in my 19years of life.

I know you are a bad ass in the past but look at you now, a total changed man that is understanding and caring. Although at times you may be rather a pain in the ass but I still love you 'cus you never gave up when I was a being a total dick that I can literally put a condom over me, ok bad joke. But the point is, we've been through quite a lot even though we're only been together for a month. For a honeymoon period, it was quite a rough patch but hey, we have overcome it if not, we'll still work on it. We may be still finding the size of my shoe in this r/s but as long as we are determine to find the right size for the both of us, you and me, will be able to walk smoothly in the future path. All I want you to do is don't give up, don't give up on us.

So we know each other for 6 months now and I never thought I'll be doing a monthly thing for anybody. Yesterday was our 1st month and I wrote a letter to you. It was just another usual day but waking up next to you, watching you tangled up in my quilt and how you greet me good morning with a morning kiss, it's already a gift.
Love ya babykinz!