Tuesday, April 27

A part of me wants an answer, but a part of me doesn’t want to know. A part of me wants to keep holding on, but a part of me wants to let you go. So I lie on the grass, staring up the sky; wondering what the hell is happening with my life.

Sunday, April 25

I got wasted, again. Once again, I am convinced that I have more of my Dad's DNA which explains why I'm exactly like him hahaha. The funny part was, both of us were drunk yesterday and I was sitting down in the toilet puking and he looked at me, " so late then reach home " when he doesn't even realise I was in an awkward position puking. Hahaha, Mom was telling my sis she wonder what we were thinking when we're drunk (The truth is, we don't think when we are drunk, we just say out what's on our mind) I love my family.
And so, I make a fool of myself last night and that totally make my sis's and bro's day. One thing I realised is that once I'm high or drunk, I will start to speak in english slang which I am absolutely clueless 'bout it haha. When my sis told me bout yst night, it's hilarious that both of us find me adorable, that is when I'm drunk ^^

This is another record of me being intoxicated. Cheers!

Saturday, April 17

10311.) You asked me if I had any gossip to tell you. I said no. Ask me again, I’ll say “Well, I’m in love with you, does that count?” - via blogsecret

Sunday, April 11

Ever since the night I got wasted at Zouk, I never step in there again. But yesterday was fun and Oh my, I really really really miss clubbing with Cynthia, my best clubbing khaki! ♥

Thursday, April 8

You are a secret that is worth lying for.

Wednesday, April 7

Shifting 60 over barigades back to the store is seriously not funny. Under the motherfucking hot sun carrying heavy steel just blistered my hands, creating bruises on my shine and body aching. Well at least I exercised, quoting from my evil sister who shows no sympathy. Although this body of mine feel as though it is paralyzed in the morning, I am quite glad we shifted it 'cus not only time pass faster ( it took us 3.5hrs ), had fun with the colleagues there too. After which, I am asked to stay in the office to do some paper work for awhile, oh my I love paper work. Sitting down in the office, enjoying my heaven and earth green tea and the aircon, I'm easily contented nowadays. I am thinking whether I should apply to HR management and change my position in USS since Shaik is willing to help me to write a recommendation letter :/ But I will miss the people working at Festive Walk, ok CERTAIN people that is. HAIZ.
On a happier note, I am meeting all my crazy go gaga friends soon! Plan is, coming saturday with the King's card crazy clique ( MISS YOU ELRIN, WILL UPDATE YOU 'BOUT IT ) hahahaa. Next wed will be celebrating dog's b'day HAHAHA, no lah my forever love Chunhow's b'day and Saturday with TP clique, yayz. Lastly, I haven't see my bee for very long :( I miss euzxxxzx.