Monday, December 14
Friday, December 11
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! Had a picnic at esplanade rooftop and it was awesome! Applied topshop member card for her and I knew she'll like it hahaaha! Went jamming in the night and my whole arm fucking sore now but I still love playing drum. A very very very nice way to vent all your emotions, me likeeeeeeeeeee it a thousand time!!

Tuesday, December 8
Monday, December 7
Sunday, December 6
Nizzeeeee, I have uncountable bruises and cuts on my body now. It is like I've undergo the whole movie The Hangover, seriously. I totally got wasted and blanked out and I have to bother my cousin, HER bf and his friends :( So sorry for causing trouble, bruises and aching, thankyou leh muackz muackz HAHAHAHA. I've no recollection at all and I have to get all the details from my cousin, it is damn funny and equally dangerous too. Lol, I think I've satisfy my curiosity of "What will I do when I'm wasted" This shall be the one and only unforgettable night. And I would like to thank my sweet sister for waking up at 5 to take care of me :)