Look at the stars above tonight, we share the same sky.
Sunday, 14 of SeptemberLast minute decision to apply for Cotton On Body part-time job.
So both Cyn and I went Parkway to fill up the particulars forms.
Went blading (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
It's fun although I fell down thrice, hee.
At last Cynthia couldn't take my snail-like-speed blading and she just pull me then I just admire the scenary.
It's a fruitful day because ... CYNTHIA FOUND ONE $5 ON THE FLOOR!
Thanks to her observant character, if it's me hee I don't think I'll see it.

She's blading damn fast.

Ok, I'm falling soon.

See how fast is that!


I think she looks cute here :)
Headed home and met Jing and Shank at 85 to have dinner.
Then they came my house to chat.
From 10pm plus all the way till 3am plus, damnnnn tired!
I found candles at home! So went out to play for awhile as you know it's Mooncake festival afterall :D
Jing make a video of us that's so lameeeeee, rofl.
I'd fun :)
Coma immediately.

And we played the blowing game, my record is 7 only :(

Monday, 15 of September-There's nothing- ringtone ringgggsssss.
Ignore ...
5 mins later a thought came into my mind " what if it's the cotton on body shop! "
Wake up and grab my phone, IT'S MY COUSIN (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Ok, so went swimming with her.
I love today, the sun is so bright and nice.
But it's hell for cousin, MUHAHAHA.
Managed to get abit tanner :)
We didn't slack at the pool ok, we swim quite a few laps.
So tired now /:
PS: Tomorrow I'm going to accompany Jing to pluck his eyebrow. HAHAHHAHAHAH
Sigh, I need to stop eating fast food.