Wednesday, January 26

Confession time. I feel that I've been neglected my family and friends. Hope that I can try to get the bond back through CNY. I'm pretty excited to go on a shopping trip with sissy this Friday. This might be the last shopping with her 'cus she's going Aussie soon, god I'm going to miss someone at home to irritate me. Yea, I'm pretty sick but you know that's what attractive bout me ;)

I'm amazed that I haven't got a D for this sem and hopefully I won't get ANY! So far so good, hope to maintain this. Finally all the projs are UNOFFICIALLY over, time to drown in lecture notes and squeeze some brain juice. Final lap! I may suck in 2.4km, I hope I won't suck in this too (ok bad joke)

So, had a serious quarrel with my beloved boyf but we are all good now. Tyvm u don't need to know so much, we are good than ever. I believe that at the end of the day, as long as we don't give up on each other, we have all it takes to overcome what life has for us. Anw, he officially started schooling and well, after being out of this field for 2 years, it gets pretty hard for him to adapt but I hope he knows that I will always be there to guide him and teach him patiently, not that I'm fucking smart genius but I'll try. Hopes he gets more independent in time to come.

Time for me in TP is ending soon, should do up a list of what to do after graduation. Chances of me completing it is rather slim but hey, no harm doing it. Why not right? Xx.


Blogger TYQ said...


March 2, 2011 at 12:39 PM  

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