Bros befo' hoes

2009 was neither a fucking awesome year nor a disastrous one for me. I’ve learned that I am capable of getting through the bad times and keep looking out for better ones, as long as I have people who love me to stand by me. Okay, I'm going to be abit of an emotional dick over here. Deep down in the bottom of my black heart, the best damn thing that ever ever ever happen to me was that I met my bros. Ever since we got together, there wasn't a moment where laughter and fun wasn't in place. I'm pretty amazed at how they became so dear to me that they are now part of my life whom I can't live without, just like my family. I don't think they will ever read this but I just wanna tell y'all how glad I am that we still stay strong so let's rock 2010 together like how we rock the '09s! Cheers.
will tell yq to read. for your sake babeh.
i got read lei :<
am i your only malay bro? ^^
Lol! Who say you'r my bro? Don't assume leh, hahaha.
eh dont write till so emo u guys too ! don't always bully me can .tskk.i tell jing ,sheng and yq hor. nb
You don't know I everyday pray hard you won't be so violent to me lah hor, lol. <3 <3 <3
k lo, you now like that, it's okay, bye
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