A day late and a dollar short

I just came back from work at Capella and work was alright today. I didn't seem to ogle at my hot boss that much already but he chatted with me today! Ok, I don't think it's counted as chat 'cus it is only a fucking pathetic 2 line but oh well, HE DOES NOTICE ME! HAHAHAHAHA. Alright, enough of my nonsense.
Haven't been updating 'cus was super busy with work and projects. Went swimming with Cynthia on Friday, I broke my own record and swam 10laps! Next time, I'm going to 20 laps for 3 times a week. My mind seems to be at ease when I'm swimming, what a relaxing feeling.
I haven't been meeting the boys for quite sometimes, sigh miss them. Tomorrow Sentosa, yes/no????? hehehee I want to see my cui boy with his cui hairstyle, want to act like Josh Duhamel, funny version only lolol.
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