Beyond Sober
Was with Cynthia two days in a row, hehe. I'm being a scatterbrain again, I mistook the dates for the Bbq hence it turns out to be a date, me and Cynthia :D :D After I saw what Cynthia is going to do for Shank, my heart aches a little because it was too sweet hahahaha. It's been so long since I last work with her at Watten Rise! Predictably, today is still helluva fun because it was raining so damn heavily!

We said some things that we can never take back, it's like a train wreck tryna hit the right track...
I'm always so strong but now I just can't wake up on the floor like a thousand times before, knowing that forever won't be.
We said some things that we can never take back, it's like a train wreck tryna hit the right track...
chimerlogy. i catch no balls
& why you call me cynthia? so FORMAL. dou shi zi ji ren le!
the umbrella picture very nice sia.
My face what, walao
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