Directions: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a note on 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. Tagged by Sweetheart
- Me want to be an air stewardess. ( Don't laugh please )
- I got fetish for guys with black specs
- I'm a neat eater, I don't like mix sauces like chilli with cheese ( Mac's chilli w Mayo is exception) hehe
- I love to eat dry food and my rice is always dry and never go with gravy.
- My friends say I'm too blunt/straightforward that I hurt other's feelings.
- I may look fierce but I'm a super friendly person.
- I always keep my nails short.
- I love to drink esp hard liquor
- I prefer guys who wear plain tees and bermudas.
- I don't look around at people when I'm walking.
- My eyes are not entirely close when I'm asleep.
- I love reading books.
- I love my bed and I am always sleepy and my nap means 4 hours or more.
- I hate people who burp and fart without saying excuse me.
- I'm trying to cut down on vulguarities.
- My favourite shopping mall is Parkway Parade.I'm so bored while waiting for Cynthia to come over my place. Staying over, to do projs zz how pathetic!
Yeapeeeeeeeee sweet<3 did my my my quiz! HEHEHE! :D
how cool is it that im here at your house doing project. AND we're communicaing through msn though we're right infront of each other. HAHAHA. we're COOL!
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