I want to learn you inside out.

Today had practice for the Public Speaking impromptu test this coming tuesday.
My speech dried up after 1 min or so, I just can't squeeze anymore ideas out. So yeah it's pretty bad.
Don't laugh at me because the title is defintely a suckballs one.
Qn: We can't love man and money.
Wtfuck? how am I going to give a speech about it.I said "love makes the world goes wrong, so there's nothing call we can't love man and money." stupid ay, I know I think so too.
But it gets better for the second one.
Qn: Should mothers be a home-makers?
Ah-huh, that's so much easier. So I did pretty good and managed to distract other groups and caught their attention :D way to go.
I felt so lethargic after sem2 starts, just couldn't get the hang of it esp when projects starts to pile up. I've got so many research to do and now I hate French.
I want to take arts!!! Gee, motherfucker TP.
Skipped lecture and went to eat with my honeyyyyy and shannkkkkk.
Went to lounge and play pool and Jing came.
Call it a day and walked home together :D
Shall post up the Vietnam trip peektures NOWWWWW.
First day

Just arrived Vietnam and the pictures below are taken at their market.

My favourite, DINNER TIME!

follow me...

If you think it's easy, try it. HAHAHA

Second day

My favourite again, BUFFET BREAKFAST!

Follow him to the war museum!

Dad, you're not hurcules


Disgusting right!


Trap again!!

I'm going for M16 shooting!

Spot me

Let this fatass bring you down the tunnel, hahahhaa

This is made of wheel tyre

My favourite picture! hehe

Coca-cola princess wanna-be, ROFL.

Gotcha, bimbos snatching for aircon

This monk wish to use himself to stop the war from going on thus he burn himself alive and the most amazing part is, he never cry in pain and died.

Each of the brick is written down by each survivors to god.

It's a post center!

This another museum

A soldier trying to save his friend but in the end, he failed to do so.

A brother trying to protect his younger brother by hugging him tight but in the end, the soldiers just shot them both dead.
This 2 pictures lead to me thought, love your love ones.

Had coffee at some atas restaurant.

Yeap, my bimbotic cousin. hehe

Fyi, I hate coffee!

Puppet show for the night!

Third day

Boat tour to another island

Saw this and it reminds me of Pat. Wanted to buy it back for her but not worth the price, so I took for you to see!! Hahaha

That's beeeeeeeeeee.

Our private bartender, haha.

You rarely see this in Singapore, would you hold your little brother and take him out for a walk?

Traffic jam

Boat back!

They design the plate using eggshell, how cool right?

That's the half chicken half yolk egg, yucks

Shopping night.

Night massage

My favourite again, DINNER!

Fourth day


Result of suntanning

hahahaha, spot the similarity.

My favourite, LUNCH!

My cousin is always ready for camera shoot.

Fucking awesome, go vietnam say " coconut ice-cream please!"

Home sweet home.
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