OB screwed me damn hard today.
For MCQ, I only got 5 out of 20.
The things I'd studied didn't came out and the only question I thought I knew, I did it wrongly.
Moreover, the answers is given at the MCQ.
Hello Supplementary Paper, I know you love me and that's why I hate you.
Slacked outside the exam rooms after OB with Cyn, Aziz and Hafiz.
I kept on whining and whining and whining, lol.
"You know, there's 1001 ways to cheat siol" -Aziz.
Aziz = Marking scheme.

Not FUNNEEEYY lo Hafiz.
Sunday, 25th of August
Studied w the boys at Changi Airport and I was cold and hungry.
So we decided to have a make-your-stomach-bloat lunch.
No buffet on weekends for Sakae Sushi, so we turned to Fish and Co.
I know I say I was super hungry, but not to that extend.

Thanks to Yq good recommandation

Looks like a normal drink huh.

Mine look pathetic next to his. But his one is damn nice, so I keep slurping on his. HAHA

CHUNSHANNNKKKK was that hungry.

Hehe, I know la don't waste food.

See, still say confirm will study.

Ok, I didn't also. That's why I screwed up OB.
Bed, you calling me again?
Ok here I come again :)
PS: As long as you're happy, anything is fine with me.
For MCQ, I only got 5 out of 20.
The things I'd studied didn't came out and the only question I thought I knew, I did it wrongly.
Moreover, the answers is given at the MCQ.
Hello Supplementary Paper, I know you love me and that's why I hate you.
Slacked outside the exam rooms after OB with Cyn, Aziz and Hafiz.
I kept on whining and whining and whining, lol.
"You know, there's 1001 ways to cheat siol" -Aziz.
Aziz = Marking scheme.

Not FUNNEEEYY lo Hafiz.
Sunday, 25th of August
Studied w the boys at Changi Airport and I was cold and hungry.
So we decided to have a make-your-stomach-bloat lunch.
No buffet on weekends for Sakae Sushi, so we turned to Fish and Co.
I know I say I was super hungry, but not to that extend.

Thanks to Yq good recommandation

Looks like a normal drink huh.

Mine look pathetic next to his. But his one is damn nice, so I keep slurping on his. HAHA

CHUNSHANNNKKKK was that hungry.

Hehe, I know la don't waste food.

See, still say confirm will study.

Ok, I didn't also. That's why I screwed up OB.
Bed, you calling me again?
Ok here I come again :)
PS: As long as you're happy, anything is fine with me.
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