I want this phoooooneee.
Oh, I found one Sony Ericssion phone @ the Jam & Hop Dance.
Although I did regret for a moment but I didn't hesitate to return the phone back to the owner.
But then, I know I did the right thing yea? (:
About the Orientation I can only say, it's BORING.
Nothing compared to FOC.
So sneaked off to have breakfast with Jing, Yinquan, Shank & Ashlee before reporting to school.
Although we have lousy cheers but we, Business, won the champion title 4 years in a row.
Today's the first day of school & I wanted to leave a good impression!
But .. I failed TT
35mins late. wahpiang lucky I saw Wen if not so paiseh la.
Today's lecture is about data entry, yawn boring.
Yay, Business first week don't have tutorial! Yahuuuu.
After having lectures, met up with Jing to have breakfast together.
Went to find Yinquan after that.
Aww poor & determined boy.
Can't change his class so he decided to change course.
Lol, wah-piang cannot stand him sial.
But his Course Manager really sucks.
Met up with Lun.
I want tongue piercing tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :( :( :( *green with envy.
Tomorrow gonna be a long long long long day.

1, 2, 3 .. POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO farted*

Dear, Shoo one side please.

Mummy, show you one funny face ok?

PS: Your Mum was my only Love - Dad.
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